Ping Pong
Well I have made it to Bangkok, and have been here for a few days now.
It is a friendly yet chaotic city. Chocking with traffic and fumes, yet in parts peaceful and tranquil. But always very warm and humid.

We have managed to see a whole lot of the sights and sounds of the city, but the smells it has to be said can be overwhelming at times. we have seen a lot of what the city has to offer and already made some good friends.

We have seen plenty of golden Buddha statues and got a good cultural fix eating Pad-Thai from vendors at the side of the road absorbing as much as possible.

Last night we go dragged out to the see the seedy side of life in BKK, visiting a 'ping-pong' show then literally being pushed into some sort of whore house was defiantly an experience. I managed to get out with my dignity intact and the girls we went with couldn't stop laughing at us.
We ended up catching a ride back home with five of us cramed into the back of this little tuk-tuk who thought he was going to be the next Formula 1 champion. Racing up the roads crossing train lines just seconds before the train passed, and ending up managing to pull a wheely lifting the front wheel about 5 feet in the air.
Tomorrow we set off for the Cambodian border and more adventures.