
Notes from a Pom is my personal weblog. It is written, edited, produced and sometimes spell checked by Fergus Stevens.

This website will feature my personal musings, travelog, photos and random crap that motivates me to maintain these pages. You should not expect regular entries as at heart I am a lazy bastard.

I welcome any suggestions or comments, so please get in touch.

Fergus Stevens

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Notes from a Pom

words and pictures from an brit downunder
Leaving QAS
Well today the 30th of August is a bit of a landmark day for me. It is my final day at QAS and my final day in London.
I wanted to thank you for making my time in London so much fun. I will miss you all and hope that you keep in touch.

I will do my best to keep you all posted on what I get up to on my travels and will be writing it all up on a web-site of some kind. Which of course I will be sending out the details of when it is ready.

So I hope to see you all again some time soon for a few beers and a good chat wherever in the world we all end up. Be it Sydney, Cambodia or even darkest Brixton!

Take care my Friends.

And now
The end is near
So I face
The final curtain
My friend,
I'll say it clear

I'll state my case
Of which I'm certain
I've lived
A life that's full
I've traveled each
And every highway
And more,
Much more than this
I did it my way